Course Evaluations in Canvas

Course evaluations are integrated within Canvas for both faculty and students. MiraCosta uses EvaluationKIT to provide this function. When you have a course section that is part of your evaluation process, this page has information to help you ensure it goes smoothly.

Information to share with your students

These directions are for the SURF enrolled students within your course.

Students can access the course evaluation within Canvas, or through an email sent to them from MiraCosta’s course evaluation survey administrator. Provide the link below to your students to help them with the evaluation process in Canvas.

Students must have cookies and pop ups enabled within their browser for the course evaluation tool to work correctly.

Advise students to contact the Student Help Desk if they need assistance with course evaluations. The phone # is (760)-795-6655.

*Note for Instructors: The Student Course Evaluations menu item will NOT work with your Faculty Canvas Sample Student account, or the Instructor’s Student View in Canvas, as those accounts are not SURF enrolled users within your course.

Information for Faculty

As an instructor, you can view your course evaluation surveys from the course navigation menu or from the To Do list within your course. It is important to have the EvaluationKIT Course menu navigation tool available in Canvas in order to show the ‘Instructor Course Evaluations’ navigation menu item. Even if this tool is available in Settings > Navigation, this tool will only show up in your course if there is a course survey associated with your course.

If you modified your course navigation menu, you may have hidden the EvaluationKIT Course menu navigation tool. If you are being evaluated, you must enable the EvaluationKIT Course menu navigation tool so that you will see the navigation menu item ‘Instructor Course Evaluations‘, and your students will see the ‘Student Course Evaluations‘ navigation menu item.

Instructor Navigation Menu

If you have not made any changes to your course navigation menu, this is the default location for the EvaluationKIT course surveys. Remember, this tool will only display if you have a course survey associated with your course. The navigation menu item is displayed as ‘Instructor Course Evaluations‘ in the instructor view.

Default location of 
Instructor Course Evaluations 
in the Canvas course navigation menu

This tool will only display if you have a course survey associated with your course.

Instructor To Do List

On the To Do list within a Canvas course, you can also view your course evaluation survey. In this area you can view the percentage of students who have responded, as well as the start and end date of your course evaluation survey.

NOTE: Courses with a 1/1/3000 date on the Course Evaluation Survey are NOT being evaluated in the current semester.

Course evaluation surveys are located here on the Canvas course To Do list with % responded and start and end dates.

NOTE: Courses with the 1/1/3000 date are NOT being surveyed this semester.

Enabling the EvaluationKIT Course Navigation Menu Tool

If you edited your Canvas course navigation menu, and your course is being evaluated, you may need to add the EvaluationKIT Course navigation tool back to your Canvas course. This is necessary so that you and your students will be able to access your course evaluations in the Canvas course navigation menu.

  1. Click on Settings. You will find this as the last option on your course navigation menu.
  2. Click the Navigation tab.
  3. Find the EvaluationKIT Course option in the bottom list of hidden navigation items.
  4. Drag EvaluationKIT Course from the bottom list to the top list of available items.
  5. Click the Save button
Steps 1-4
Step 5

Questions about Course Evaluations

For questions about student surveys and/or the Course Evaluations & Surveys system, associate faculty should contact their school’s Academic Division Administrative Assistant. Full-time faculty should contact human resources at

If you are having a computer specific issue with a MCC computer contact the campus Employee Help Desk at (760) 795-6850.

FERPA Compliance and Student Interaction in Merged Canvas Course Sections

Please download a PDF or download a Word version of this guide for future reference as you develop and teach merged Canvas courses.

Faculty may request to merge Canvas courses when they are teaching multiple sections of the same course in order to more efficiently share the same content across course sections, freeing up time for other instructional activity. This must be done prior to the start date of the course sections. For detailed steps on how to request combining of course sections, download the Combine your Class sections in SURF for Canvas guide. However, there are critical privacy issues faculty must be aware of if they choose to combine sections in Canvas.

*NOTE: If instructors combine multiple sections in Canvas, they are not able to offer an Honors Contract in that course.

According to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations, students cannot have access to student information (including the fact of their enrollment) of students in course sections other than their own (with the exception noted below). Because of this requirement, students are not allowed to interact within a Canvas course with students from another course section.

Canvas limits the visibility of students from other sections in a merged Canvas course. However, this does not cover all Canvas tools, so if you request to merge Canvas courses, you’ll need to take additional steps to protect your students’ privacy, as outlined in this document.

NOTE: FERPA restrictions do not apply to a merged Canvas course if students physically meet in the same classroom at the same time (i.e. “true cross-listed courses”). Course sections that meet simultaneously typically are combined in Canvas by default, and this document is not relevant for those merged courses.

What Canvas Does for You

In Canvas courses merged upon faculty request, students are prevented from seeing students in sections other than their own in

  • the full roster view of the People tool,
  • and the Inbox (Conversations).
[Technical note: MiraCosta enables this by setting the limit_section_privileges field to true In the enrollments feed file for students in sections being combined in Canvas.]

What You Must Do to Maintain FERPA Compliance in a Merged Canvas Course

Click Settings in your course menu and:

  1. Under the Navigation tab, be sure that the Chat and Conferences items are hidden from students. If they are active (appearing in the top grouping of navigation items), drag them to the lower grouping or click the gear icon at the right of each and click Disable. Be sure to scroll down and click Save at the bottom.
  2. Under the Course Details tab, scroll down and click more options. Make sure that:
    Let students create discussion topics is NOT checked
    Let students organize their own groups
    is NOT checked
    Disable comments on announcements IS checked

    Click the Update Course Details button at bottom.

Ensure that each section has its own separate discussion

  1. For graded discussions, restrict each discussion to an individual section using the Assign to option. See Canvas guide for details. See further details on section restriction under the What You May Do section below.
  2. For ungraded discussions, use the Post to option (immediately below the discussion description) to select an individual section for the discussion.
  3. Note – if you want each section to engage in discussions about the same topics, simply Duplicate the original discussion and modify it so it is available to a different section of students.

If/when you use Pronto

You’ll need to use the separate Pronto groups associated with each section rather than messaging with Pronto to the entire combined class. Some notes on this process from MiraCosta professor Serena Mercado:

  • After publishing the combined Canvas course, the merged course showed up on my Pronto list.  
  • In Pronto, when expanding the course (click the arrow on the right of the course name), it was divided into two sections (with REALLY long names)
  • Hovering over each name makes three vertical dots appear to the right of the name.
  • If you click on the three dots, you are given the option to nickname the individual sections, so they are more easily identifiable.

If/when you create Groups

Select the option to Require group members to be in the same section when creating a group set. See Canvas guide for details.

If/when you create Collaborations

Be sure to add students to Collaborations who are enrolled in the same course section. The Collaboration setup screen doesn’t display section information for students, so you will need to refer to the People area.

If/when you send a Canvas Inbox message to students from multiple sections

Select the option to Send an individual message to each recipient. This will send a separate copy to each recipient and hide the names of the recipients in the message header. You may also compose messages addressed to all members of a specific course section.

If/when you offer synchronous (live) online sessions (e.g. use Zoom)

If a synchronous meeting is required, hold separate synchronous meetings with each section. If a synchronous meeting is optional, you may hold one meeting for both sections, but make sure students understand how to participate anonymously. If you record a synchronous meeting where student identities are revealed, share the recording only with the section that participated in the meeting. If you wish to share a recorded synchronous meeting more widely, you must ensure that student identities are not revealed. Please review the Guidance for Synchronous Instruction at MiraCosta College to Protect Student Privacy document for more details.

What You May Do: Setting Calendar Events and Assignment Due Dates by Section

Note: This section is not required for FERPA compliance but may be helpful for managing a merged course if you would like to create differentiated events/activities for different sections.

The following Canvas Guides will help you create Canvas activities/assignments specific to a particular section within a merged course:

(Discussions must be separated by section – see notes in the What You Must Do section above.)

Note that when creating events/activities that are differentiated by section, you will need to select the section name in the Assign to area, which displays only a few options and is not scrollable. If your desired section is not displayed as an option, you will need to type in the section name until it shows up as an option to select.

Section names can be seen if you click Settings in the Course Menu and then the Sections tab. You may also click People in the course menu to see which section each enrolled student is assigned to. Sections with students have names ending in -SURF; to include your test student account in any differentiated activity in a merged course, you would also need to include one of the -OTHER sections available within the merged course.


Portions of this document are adapted from material originally developed by Seattle University and modified by the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College district. Additional portions are adapted from material developed by Indiana University and modified by Cornell University.

Get Support

If you have any question or need assistance with combining courses in SURF for Canvas contact the MiraCosta College Employee Helpdesk at (760) 795-6850 or open a helpdesk ticket in the portal.

Pronto for mobile-friendly communication with students

Dear MiraCosta faculty,

I hope your fall is starting well! If you’re looking for a boost to your communication with students but haven’t tried Pronto, this might be a good moment to learn more about it!

Pronto’s a messaging tool that’s integrated with Canvas and also has a fantastic mobile app. We’ve had Pronto at MiraCosta for over 2 years now, and (I just checked) over 9600 MiraCostans have sent almost 176,000 messages with Pronto!

To learn more:

– Jim

Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Faculty Coordinator, Online Education

Canvas Release (2023-06-17): New Feature: Bulk Publish and Unpublish Module Items

New Feature: Bulk Publish and Unpublish Module Items


In Modules, instructors can bulk publish all modules or individual modules. Instructors have the option to publish all modules and items, publish all modules only, or unpublish all modules and items. Additionally, the publish icon on individual modules is updated to include a Module status menu. This menu includes the options to publish module and all items, publish module only or unpublish module and all items for individual modules.

Note: The ability to select multiple specific items to publish is not available.

Change Benefit

This change provides instructors additional options and improves efficiency when publishing Modules.

Feature Workflow

Modules Publish All ButtonModules Publish All Button

In the Modules page, click the Publish All button [1] and select an option [2].

Individual Module Publish Options MenuIndividual Module Publish Options Menu

To view the module status menu of individual Modules, click the Module Status Menu [1]. Then, in the drop down menu, select the desired option [2].

Additional Details

Bulk publish is only available when File Copyright is enabled and set or disabled in a course. Bulk unpublish is not available for any Files. Additionally, an unpublished module overrides the state of individual module items. If an item is published within an unpublished module, students cannot view the item on the Modules page but can still view the published items in other areas of Canvas. However, they will not be able to interact with the item until the module is published.

Canvas Release (2023-06-17): Feature Update: RCE in New Quizzes & New Quiz Updates

Update 1: Rich Content Editor in New Quizzes

Featured Video: Release Screencast: 2023-05-20 New Quizzes Rich Content Editor in New Quizzes


The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available in New Quizzes on Production Canvas

Change Benefit

This update provides instructors the ability to utilize the accessibility checker on questions and instructions, add media recordings within New Quizzes, and change the view between the HTML editor and classic view for advanced users. Users can also access a math editor. Additionally, this update provides students with the ability to record audio and video within the RCE of a New Quiz.

Feature Workflow

New Quizzes Build Page with Rich Content EditorNew Quizzes Build Page with Rich Content Editor

When building a New Quiz, instructors can use the Rich Content Editor.

Student View New Quizzes Rich Content EditorStudent View New Quizzes Rich Content Editor

When taking a New Quiz, students can use the Rich Content Editor.

Additional Details

This update completes phase one and phase two of the Rich Content Editor integration in New Quizzes. For more information on the Rich Content Editor integration, see the Re-enablement of the Rich Content Editor (RCE) in New Quizzes blog.

Update 2: Rich Content Editor Supports Third-Party Apps in New Quizzes

Featured Video: 2023-06-17 New Quizzes Rich Content Editor Supports Third-Party Apps


In New Quizzes, the Rich Content Editor supports adding content using third-party apps.

Change Benefit

This update allows users to easily include third-party tools to provide content in New Quizzes.

Feature Workflow

Rich Content Editor App MenuRich Content Editor App Menu

To insert content using a third-party tool, click the App link [1] and select the desired tool [2].

Rich Content Editor Insert App View
Rich Content Editor Insert App View

When a third-party tool has been selected, users can select  content to insert in the Rich Content Editor.

Update 3: Zero-Point New Quiz in Gradebook Checkbox

Featured Video: 2023-06-17 New Quizzes Practice Zero Point New Quiz


Instructors can choose to not display a column in the gradebook or student page when creating a zero-point practice New Quiz.

Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to remove unwanted content in the gradebook and prevent confusion for students related to zero-point practice quizzes.

Feature Workflow

New Quiz Do Not Display in Gradebook or the Student's Grade Page Checkbox
New Quiz Do Not Display in Gradebook or the Student’s Grade Page Checkbox

When creating a New Quiz worth zero points, select the Do not display in gradebook or the student’s grade page checkbox. 

Additional Details

When the Do not display in gradebook or the student’s grade page checkbox is selected, the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade checkbox becomes unavailable. If the Do not display in gradebook or the student’s grade page checkbox is not selected, a column displays in the Gradebook and student grade page as the default.

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