LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook

LabArchives is an electronic lab notebook that can help instructors and learners better manage, share, and publish research notes, data, protocols, and related documents.
MiraCosta College’s institutional license gives all MiraCosta College students, staff, and faculty free access to LabArchives. Log on with your MCC login and password to access LabArchives. Faculty can also integrate Lab Archives with Canvas.
Getting Started
Launch MiraCosta LabArchivesFeatures of LabArchives
- Share and collaborate on notebooks by multiple parties.
- Store multiple file types, including images, GraphPad Prism, FlowJo, PDFs, and Office documents
- Create templates, forms, and custom applications for routine laboratory tasks.
- Instructors can provide feedback on students’ notebooks.
- Storage of every version of every file, recording the date, time, and username.
Faculty LabArchives Help and FAQs
- Getting Started with LabArchives at MCC for Faculty – Access & setup LabArchives using your MCC Single Sign-On
- Quick Start Guide LabArchives for Instructors
- MiraCosta College – LabArchives Introduction for Instructors Workshop – A walkthrough of the LabArchives product and integration in Canvas. Workshop Recording Passcode 6L&VWdyN
- Using LabArchives Course Manager with Canvas – The complete guide to using LabArchives with Canvas
- Linking Your LabArchives Assignments in Canvas – You must have least one assignment entry in your LabArchives Instructor course notebook to link to an assignment in Canvas.
- Instructor FAQs & Troubleshooting Tips for the Lab Archives Canvas Integration
- LabArchives Education Edition YouTube Training Videos
- Summer 2021 Virtual User Group Event – (three instructors spoke about how they use the LabArchives in their courses)
Need Help?
- Open a LabArchives Support Ticket
- Visit the LabArchives Help Website – Knowledgebase, Webinars, Downloads, FAQs, and User Forums
- LabArchives MCC Contact:
Manesseh Park
Senior Science Laboratory Associate
760-757-2121 ext 6520
LabArchives Information for your Students
The MiraCosta College Student Helpdesk can assist your students with Canvas and LabArchives.