Adding Substitute Instructors, Faculty Evaluators, TLC Staff, and Community Ed students to Canvas classes

DO NOT attempt to add anyone to Canvas using a Student or Teacher role. Students and Instructors are automatically enrolled from SURF to your Canvas course several times a day.

It is possible to add MiraCosta College employees to your Canvas course with the Canvas TA role when appropriate – see this set of instructions. This should only be used for employees who have full permissions to edit your course and access your gradebook. Do not add users described on this page to your course as TAs.

For the roles called out below, follow the specified directions to have the user enrolled within your course with the appropriate role.

  • Faculty Evaluator: Contact Heidi Willis at (760) 795-6827 or in the Office of Instruction when you need to provide access to a peer, your chair, etc. to conduct an evaluation. On the People roster, within Canvas, the user will be assigned the ‘Evaluator ‘ Canvas role. The Evaluator Canvas role has the same permissions as the student role.
  • The Learning Centers (TLC Staff)
    • STEMLC & ASI: Contact Amy Paopao at (760) 757-2121 ext. 6389 or On the People roster, within Canvas, the user will be assigned the ‘TLC Staff ‘ Canvas role.
    • Writing Center: Contact Sarah Pultz at (760) 757-2121 ext 6320 or in the Writing Center. On the People roster, within Canvas, the user will be assigned the ‘TLC Staff’ Canvas role.
  • Community Education Student: Contact Karen Turpin at Include the confirmation of student enrollment through community education. On the People roster, within Canvas, the user will be assigned the ‘Student Other’ Canvas role.
  • Substitute Instructors: Work with your dean to provide access to Canvas for the substitute. Approved substitute instructors are handled by your dean through the Office of Instruction’s procedures. The substitute instructor will be added on SURF and uploaded to Canvas for the period of time they are subbing. During that time, the substitute instructor will have the Teacher Canvas role .