MiraCosta Online Ed Pre-Fall Email #1

As our first-ever mostly-online fall semester approaches, I hope everyone is doing well! I have a lot of info and resources to share, and will be sending an email each day this week with a few updates.

Monday news:

  • Combining Canvas courses for those teaching multiple sections of a course
  • Professional Learning opportunity: @ONE’s Humanizing Challenge is Aug 11-13
  • Summer term classes in Canvas become read-only on Aug. 14

It’s Back! Merging Canvas Course Sections!

If you teach multiple sections of the same course, you may know that MiraCosta has not been allowing combination of multiple course sections into one Canvas shell due to FERPA concerns. Faculty, admin, and staff met several times over the last year to not only figure out how to address the FERPA issues, but also to put into place a new SURF dashboard that enables faculty to make this occur without any additional gatekeeping or case-by-case handling of this technically.

Given our mostly-online nature at present, this should enable faculty who are teaching multiple sections of one course to (if they desire) not have to put as much time into managing class content and activities (duplicating/updating the same things across multiple Canvas courses) and rather to focus more time on supporting individual students and enhancing the quality of their course. For faculty who do request a merged course in Canvas, there are some important guidelines you will need to follow to ensure that FERPA compliance is maintained. See our guide to learn more about merged course sections in Canvas, and if you’d like to request this, see the guide to the SURF dashboard for merging course sections.

Looking for Online Teaching Inspiration? @ONE’s Humanizing Challenge is Aug. 11-13

@ONE’s Humanizing Challenge “is designed to equip faculty with knowledge of culturally responsive pedagogy and a toolkit of online teaching practices that will support students who are experiencing trauma as a result of racial injustice, stereotyping, and other forms of marginalization.” If you’re looking for fresh ideas on truly connecting with your students online this fall, I encourage you to check out the Humanizing Challenge home page, and decide which sessions will be most useful to you. Sessions start tomorrow (Aug 11) and continue through Aug. 13.

We will be announcing local online teaching workshops for Flex week in the next couple days, but if you’re looking for something ASAP, please take advantage of this CCC professional learning opportunity.

Summer Canvas Classes Become Read-Only After Aug. 14

After Aug. 14, summer Canvas classes go into read-only mode for faculty and students. If you taught this summer and wish to restrict access to any of your course materials for your current students after that date, please review our Canvas end-of-term guide and take action prior to the 14th.

Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Faculty Director, Online Education

Embedding Google Docs in Canvas

If you are embedding a Google doc for content purposes (ie you aren’t having students edit the document), I recommend the trick of replacing the end of the Google doc URL from the last forward slash to the end with preview?pli=1

Here’s an example.

Here’s the standard URL of a Google doc set up with permissions for others to be able to view it:


I change the final part after the last slash

from:  edit?usp=sharing
to:      preview?pli=1

So now the URL is:


When editing in the Canvas rich content editor where you want to embed the Google doc, click the button at upper right of the editing window that says HTML Editor.

Then you need to add code that looks like this:

You can just copy this code for future use, and substitute the URL in the code with the URL of your Google doc.

You can also adjust the width and height to your preference, but these seem to work well.

Personal Pronouns in Canvas

Setting your Personal Pronouns in Canvas can help classmates, faculty, and people in the MiraCosta community learn to address each other the way each person would like to be addressed. That information will be available to instructors, students, and anyone who has access to Canvas courses, to enable inclusive and respectful conversation. 

Available Pronoun Options at MiraCosta College

  • He/Him/His
  • They/Them/Their
  • She/Her/Hers
  • (F)ae/(F)aer/(F)aer
  • Use my name
  • Xe/Xim
  • Ze (or Zie) / Zir (or Hir)
  • Per/per/pers
  • Ve/ver/vis
  • E/Ey/ Em/Eir

Submit a Request for Another Option

If you use pronouns that are not currently listed as options, please fill out the Pronoun Addition form and return it according to the instructions on the form.

Faculty Directions

Personal pronouns display after your name in various areas in Canvas as an instructor, including:

  • Assignment Creation Menu
  • Assignment Peer Review Page
  • Comment Fields
  • Course Sections List
  • Discussions
  • Inbox
  • People Page (Course and Groups)
  • SpeedGrader
  • Student Context Card
  • User Navigation Menu
  • User Profile Page
  • User Settings Page


  • LTI tools, such as New Quizzes and Analytics, do not currently support displaying pronouns.

Student Directions

Personal pronouns display after your name in various areas in Canvas as a student, including:

  • Comment Fields
  • Discussions
  • Inbox
  • People Page (Course and Groups)
  • User Navigation Menu
  • User Profile Page
  • User Settings Page


  • LTI tools, such as New Quizzes and Analytics, do not currently support displaying pronouns.

Summer 2020 MiraCosta Online Ed Updates & Opportunities

Hello everyone, and happy summer! Please look over the following carefully. It’s full of important info and opportunities for all MiraCosta faculty!

Jim Julius
Faculty Director, Online Education

PROJECT Online Teaching Foundations – June 8-12

As I announced last week, MiraCosta will hold an online teaching institute the week of June 8-12. You can review daily topics, and respond to the interest survey if you haven’t yet done so (thanks to all who have!). This is a collaboration between the CTeaching & Learning Center, Online Education, and PDP. PROJECT stands for PROfessionals for Joy, Equity, and Community in Teaching!

Canvas updates

Canvas End of Term

After June 1, your spring Canvas classes go into read-only mode for you and your students. If you wish to remove access to any of your course materials for your current students beyond this semester, you need to do so by June 1. Review our Canvas end-of-term guide for details.

Canvas Studio is now a permanent tool

The Studio tool within Canvas allows you to create screencasts, turn videos into discussions, and even embed quiz questions into videos. It’s no longer a pilot – AIS has made a commitment to fund it on an ongoing basis. Check out our local introductory page or jump straight to Canvas’s full set of Studio tutorials

Combining course sections in Canvas – still not available, but progressing

The moratorium on combining multiple course sections into one Canvas site due to FERPA concerns is nearly resolved, but for the summer we remain unable to combine such sections in Canvas.

Support for pronouns in Canvas

The NameCoach tool is no longer being supported by state funding and will be removed from Canvas prior to the summer term. However, the good news is that Canvas itself now supports pronouns in the People area (class rosters) and all Canvas users will be able to select their pronouns in their settings. Look for more info on this soon.

New in Canvas: Ally – Providing course material options

Starting this summer, files you upload into Canvas such as PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoints will be automatically available to students in multiple fully accessible and mobile-friendly formats. This tool is being funded by the chancellor’s office through the end of 2020. Look for more info on this soon.

Zoom app/client update needed by May 30

If you are a ConferZoom user, you should have received a message from CCC TechConnect directing you to update Zoom on all your devices. If you don’t, you will be forced to starting June 1, which could delay your access to a Zoom meeting. Please do so now if you haven’t already done so.

Summer Student Orientations to Online Learning

I’ll be offering nine Student Orientation to Online Learning student workshops in the first two weeks of the summer term – dates and times are posted on the TASC site. Student attendance at these sessions is available to you in SURF if you are teaching a summer class and wish to incentivize student participation. Learn more about the Student Orientation to Online Learning.  

Open Educational Resource (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) reminders

Knowing that your classes will continue to be taught mostly or entirely online might get you rethinking your course materials. Be sure to consider OER and library options! The MiraCosta OER/ZTC disciplinary resource site includes recommended OER and library materials organized by discipline.

Teaching a Zero- or Low-Textbook Cost summer or fall class?

If you are teaching any summer or fall classes that have course material costs of $0 (zero) or under $40 (low), please be sure to designate those classes as such in SURF. This enables your class to receive a special denotation in SURF and also to be listed on the ZTC/LTC pageSee directions here.

Want support to bring down course material costs for your students by adopting OER?

We still have grant funds available that can provide stipends, support for student workers, instructional design expert assistance, and more, if you are undertaking work that will save students at least 30% over current course material costs through adoption of OER. Contact me to learn more.

Interested in getting involved in statewide OER work?

The statewide Academic Senate’s OER Initative (ASCCC OERI) is looking for faculty to serve in a wide range of capacities, from reviewers to discipline leads to regional leads, during the next academic year. If you are interested, please complete both the ASCCC OERI Application and the ASCCC Faculty Application for Statewide Service.

Online teaching at MiraCosta – next steps!

Dear MiraCosta faculty,

Congrats on your persistence, creativity, and care for our students to make it through this strange semester. Now, as you look ahead to the next round of online teaching this summer and/or fall, I want to provide you with some key information and invitations.

Invitations: Summer support

June 8-12 (and beyond): MiraCosta will hold an online teaching institute. This will be different from our transition week this spring in that it will be very focused on helping you develop and teach classes meeting the basic requirements and guidelines for online instruction at MiraCosta. There will be three main components to this:

  1. Zoom sessions offered daily. These will also be recorded so that they remain available throughout the summer and beyond.
  2. A Canvas course providing extensive resources and activities complementing the Zoom sessions.
  3. Opportunities for follow-up via ongoing support with communities of peers and/or expert guides.

For more details, check out the schedule of topics for the institute.

Please take a moment to let us know your interest in this, including if you would like to help present and/or be a peer support facilitator. 

June 17-19: The CCC system’s Online Teaching Conference is online and free this year. Check out the schedule and register!

July 13-16: Bruce Hoskins is leading development of a week of professional learning called Raise Your E(quity) Q(uotient)!, featuring professional learning opportunities centered around:

  • Becoming an Equity-Minded Professor
  • Building an Equity-Based Community
  • Facilitating an Equity-Centered Classroom

Look for more details coming soon.

Engaging with any of the above – whether live sessions, recordings, or independent study of additional materials – is Flex-eligible, but the possibilities for reporting summer Flex activities varies depending on whether the activity occurs before or after July 1, and by faculty status. Learn more on the PDP FAQs for full-time faculty or for associate faculty.

Information: Online Teaching Essentials

A number of you have asked me to summarize the expectations/requirements for online instruction at MiraCosta. The below are adapted from updates approved this spring to MiraCosta’s DE curriculum addendum to align with recent Title 5 changes. Expectations for MiraCosta online classes:

  • Ensure that the same standards of course quality shall be applied to distance education as are applied to traditional classroom courses and that the same course outcomes are achieved regardless of instructional modality. The MiraCosta Online Class Quality Guidelines document provides guidance for how to design and teach DE classes that are likely to effectively enable students to achieve the designated outcomes.
  • Ensure regular effective contact between instructor and students, and among students, including frequent, quality, instructor-initiated interaction. The MiraCosta Online Class Quality Guidelines document provides guidance for how to design and facilitate these interactions.
  • Create an environment of academic integrity, monitor progress, and track attendance.
  • Establish expectations on the frequency and timeliness of instructor-initiated contact and feedback, for student participation in student-student interactions, and manage unexpected instructor absences.
  • Meet the accessibility requirements in state and federal regulations.  MiraCosta’s Ten Tips for Creating Accessible Course Content provides specific guidance regarding how these regulations must be met. 
  • Uphold institutional procedures to authenticate students.
  • Help to make students aware of online student support services.

Please note that both AP 4105 and the MiraCosta Online Class Quality Guidelines document are in process of being updated to fully reflect the recent Title 5 changes which are included in the list above. If you have any questions about any of this, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to continuing this journey with you!


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