Turnitin Canvas Plagiarism Framework

Turnitin Plagiarism Framework is available within Canvas and offers a tighter integration between a Canvas assignment and Turnitin than the Turnitin 1.3 LTI Canvas integration. No separate login or password is required for faculty or students.

The primary difference between the two tools is that the Turnitin LTI 1.3 integration is best used if faculty prefer to use Turnitin for grading and feedback; the Turnitin Plagiarism Framework is preferred by faculty who want Turnitin for plagiarism prevention but like to use the Canvas grading and feedback tools.

MiraCosta College has an unlimited license to Turnitin, GradeMark, and Peer Review.

Turnitin Canvas Plagiarism Framework

Turnitin Plagiarism Framework Resources

Testing a Turnitin Assignment with your MCC Sample Student

Turnitin is an LTI tool that is globally installed on our Canvas system. LTI tools are not native to Canvas so they will not work in the internal Canvas Student View. You must log off of Canvas, as an instructor, then log on with your MCC Sample Student account. Now you will be able to experience a Turnitin assignment within your Canvas course as a student.

Additional information

Turnitin for Canvas LTI 1.1 (classic old standard)

We suggest you use LTI 1.3 for Canvas (New Standard). LTI 1.1 (Classic Old Standard) is still currently available, however we can not guarantee for how long.

MiraCosta College has an unlimited license to Turnitin, GradeMark, and Peer Review, and  Turnitin is available within Canvas. No separate login or password is required for faculty or students.  If you are starting out with Turnitin we suggest you either use the updated LTI 1.3 for Canvas (New Standard) or the Turnitin Canvas Plagiarism Framework integration.

The primary difference between the two tools is that the Turnitin LTI 1.3 integration is best used if faculty prefer to use Turnitin for grading and feedback; the Turnitin Plagiarism Framework is preferred by faculty who want Turnitin for plagiarism prevention but like to use the Canvas grading and feedback tools.

Turnitin LTI 1.1 (Classic Old Standard) in Canvas

Testing a Turnitin Assignment with your MCC Sample Student

Turnitin is an LTI tool that is globally installed on our Canvas system. LTI tools are not native to Canvas so they will not work in the internal Canvas Student View. You must log off of Canvas, as an instructor, then log on with your MCC Sample Student account. Now you will be able to experience a Turnitin assignment within your Canvas course as a student.

Additional information

Online Ed News You Can Use – Spring 24

Happy almost May! Some quick tidbits and opportunities related to all things online …

Summer and Fall Classes are in SURF and Canvas

Professional Learning Opportunities related to online teaching

Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Faculty Coordinator, Online Education

Department Courses in Canvas

Department courses are manually created courses within Canvas that can be used for communication and collaboration with MiraCostans. Some examples of department courses are special collaboration workgroups, academic senate committees, instructional departments, and student clubs. For further information contact Karen Turpin at kturpin@miracosta.edu

Adding Users to Department Courses

Instructors of department Canvas courses can add any MiraCosta College user to the course with Student, Teacher, TA, or Designer permissions. Department courses are not tied to the SURF registration system.


  1. Enter your Canvas course
  2. Click People on the left course menu
  3. Click the +People button at far right
  4. Select Login ID
  5. Enter SURF ID of the user in the box.
    • You can enter one user at a time.  Example: jjulius
    • Or multiples with a comma and space between eachExample: jjulius, sdavis
  6. Select the appropriate role for the user. ‍
    • Available role options are Student, Teacher, TA, Teacher, Designer, and Student (see below for details on these options)
  7. Click the Next button
    • Some IDs may already be used in Canvas at other colleges. If you get a prompt about this, select the ID that is associated with MiraCosta College.
  8. Click the Add Users button
Step 4, 5, and 6

Course Roles Explained for Department Courses

Student Role

  • Primary use: Students enrolled in a course site.
  • Permissions: The Student role has permissions to view course content and engage in course activities, including the ability to submit assignments, participate in discussions, and view the course roster.
  • Limitations: Students cannot manipulate settings for a course.


  • Primary use: The instructor assigned to teach a class.
  • Permissions: Teachers have all course-level permissions, including the ability to add, edit and delete all
  • content in a course, edit course settings, and manually add individuals with active Canvas user accounts.
  • Limitations: None.

Teaching Assistant (TA) Role

  • Primary use: TAs assigned to a specific class to help the instructor.
  • Permissions: TAs have permissions equivalent to the Teacher role. They have all course-level permissions, including the ability to add, edit and delete all content in a course; grade students; edit course settings, and manually add individuals with active Canvas user accounts.
  • Limitations: None.
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