C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Comes to an End!

Dear Faculty,

This is my final email as Interim Joyful Teacher, and I want to thank you all for going on this journey with me. I’ve learned so much, and my greatest joy has been getting to know you all better. I hope you have time in summer to rest, reflect, recuperate, and/or take action.

Here’s my attempt to share some levity during unspeakably difficult times. I present: Summer Bingo. Each square provides a link to interesting resources and learning opportunities. Try to score a Bingo, or pick and choose words that speak to what you need in the moment. Or… just don’t 😊

Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?

Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.

Thank You,

Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian

C3 Teaching and Learning Center

End of Spring 2022 Online Ed Tips and Opportunities

Can you believe summer is almost here? Before you go, here are some quick reminders and opportunities as you wrap up spring online classes and look ahead to summer.

Canvas End of Term

After June 7, your spring Canvas classes go into read-only mode for you and your students. If you wish to remove access to any of your course materials for your current students beyond this semester, you need to do so by then. Review our Canvas end-of-term guide for details. It also discusses what you need to do if you have any students who will receive Incomplete grades.

Now and Throughout the Summer: Instructional Designer Support 

If you’d like help with any semester wrap-up tasks, or if you begin working on fall classes during the summer and are looking for support, please connect with our Instructional Designer, Nadia Khan.

Summer Professional Learning Opportunities

Have a fantastic summer!

– Jim

Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Faculty Director, Online Education

Online Ed News You Can Use Spring ’22

One month to go and so much to do! Sorry for another email, but there’s some good stuff here! I’ve tried to keep it brief – please take a quick look…

Fall Schedule Released in SURF, which means …

Professional Learning Opportunities related to online teaching

Canvas Improvement Voting

Canvas users can influence Canvas development through Idea Conversations in the Canvas Community. The CVC has curated a set of links to ideas reflecting input from Canvas users throughout California’s community colleges. Please take a few moments to review these ideas and cast your votes (the linked document includes voting instructions).

Internationalize Your Course, Virtually!

Have your students learn together with students abroad, creating a Virtual International Exchange (VIE). In a VIE, students can study, discuss, or create a project with students from another country. It is an experience that greatly enriches the learning process. If you are interested, the International Education Committee can help you with finding a partner and support you in communicating with faculty abroad, creating and implementing the project, and much more! This is applicable to any discipline. It is possible to work with every part of the world. To learn more, explore the local VIE site, and/or contact Andrea Petri (apetri@miracosta.edu) with any questions you may have.

Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Faculty Director, Online Education

C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week 11!

Did you miss the last meet up of the Podcast Club? Join us next week (Thursday, April 21st at 3pm) via Zoom as we discuss the Worst.Year.Ever. Spoiler: It’s not 2020, 2021, or 2022.

These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

C321 Newsletter

(3) Resources

  1. Check out California Humanities’ Best Practices for Increasing Accessibility webinar to help make public humanities programs more accessible to people of all abilities. It’s today at 4pm!
  2. California Virtual Campus (CVC) has some interesting workshops on their Events Calendar – some are geared specifically toward Math and English teaching. And, if you missed out on any of the events they hosted, they have an archive on their YouTube channel.
  3. Are you thinking or wondering about trends in higher education? Educause has a “7 Things You Should Know About…” series that gives a nice overview about topics such as: HyFlex ClassroomsDigital DivideVirtual Labs.

(2) Tips & Tricks

  1. Did you know you can set up Canvas to automatically reach out to students who haven’t completed assignments yet? Learn how to “Message students who…”
  2. We all make mistakes – and that is true even in Canvas. Good news! You can Undelete in Canvas, and you can also view and select older edits of a page using View Page History.

(1) Question

  1. What are you excited to learn about before the end of Spring 2022?

Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?

Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.

Ready to Ruminate,

Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian

C3 Teaching and Learning Center

C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week (I lost count)!

Welcome back to the last 8 weeks of the semester. I hope your Spring Break was everything you wanted it to be!

These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

C321 Newsletter

(3) Resources

  1. If you missed the Educator Burn Out workshop, you can watch the recording. In addition, this Thursday from 11:30am-12:30pm, the MiraCosta Wellness Committee is hosting a workshop: Mental Health Strategies for Teaching Professions. You can join via Zoom. And, if that’s not enough… The Library’s newest in person and online exhibit is all about mental health: It’s OK to Not be OK.
  2. The Chronicle of Higher Education has been offering an interesting virtual (and free) series this semester: Talking about Teaching. Some of these sessions have already taken place, but the recordings are still available. Topics include: The Changing Professor-Student Dynamic, How to Foster Motivation and Engagement in Your Class, The Future of Grading and Assessment. None of this should sound too unfamiliar as we are talking about similar things at MiraCosta, but it never hurts to get a different perspective.
  3. With education paradigms changing, do you wonder what teaching and learning might look like in the future? I always like to start with the user, and in this case, that means learners. Do you know what the Class of 2030 generation has been dubbed? Take a moment to learn about Generation Alpha!

(2) Tips & Tricks

  1. If you’re looking for some creative support to get past the End-of-Spring-Break-Slump, reach out to a peer faculty mentor and/or our instructional designer, Nadia Khan. You’ll walk away with a “spring” in your step.
  2. Have you ever asked yourself how students are interacting with your Canvas course? Chances are, they’re using Canvas’ To Do List. You may have missed Lisa M. Lane’s Spring Challenge, but lucky you, you can still access Taming the To Do List anytime! Psst: More Spring Challenges are coming in April!

(1) Question

  1. What are you excited to learn about before the end of Spring 2022?

Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?

Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.

With Curiosity and Care,

Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian

C3 Teaching and Learning Center
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