Recorded GIFTS Teaching with Technology Zoom Cast
Greetings Colleagues:
At yesterday’s Great Ideas for Teaching: Teaching with Technology Hy Flex Zoom Cast, we shared ideas about
1) zoom conference-based grading for papers and larger projects,
2) using the notes tool in canvas to encourage personalized contact and follow up with students, and
3) incorporating quiz questions and annotations into video using canvas studio

Here is the recording from our meeting.
And here are some links for those who wish to follow up on what we are sharing (remember, we are just briefly introducing ideas, not walking step b step through the how to’s).
- As Jim J. worked through his ideas, he reminded us of what an amazing recourse the TIC home page is and the practical teaching ideas we can find in our Distance Education Handbook.
- When Nadia walked us through adding quiz questions and annotations to video in canvas, she highlighted the possibilities. But she also has a video that walks interested colleagues step by step through the how to’s of this tool: embedding quizzes and annotations in videos.
Thanks to all — especially our colleague Arturo Arevalos — for another lively session.
gym sullivan
joyfully celebrating, cultivating, and connecting