C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week 11!

Did you miss the last meet up of the Podcast Club? Join us next week (Thursday, April 21st at 3pm) via Zoom as we discuss the Worst.Year.Ever. Spoiler: It’s not 2020, 2021, or 2022.

These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

C321 Newsletter

(3) Resources

  1. Check out California Humanities’ Best Practices for Increasing Accessibility webinar to help make public humanities programs more accessible to people of all abilities. It’s today at 4pm!
  2. California Virtual Campus (CVC) has some interesting workshops on their Events Calendar – some are geared specifically toward Math and English teaching. And, if you missed out on any of the events they hosted, they have an archive on their YouTube channel.
  3. Are you thinking or wondering about trends in higher education? Educause has a “7 Things You Should Know About…” series that gives a nice overview about topics such as: HyFlex ClassroomsDigital DivideVirtual Labs.

(2) Tips & Tricks

  1. Did you know you can set up Canvas to automatically reach out to students who haven’t completed assignments yet? Learn how to “Message students who…”
  2. We all make mistakes – and that is true even in Canvas. Good news! You can Undelete in Canvas, and you can also view and select older edits of a page using View Page History.

(1) Question

  1. What are you excited to learn about before the end of Spring 2022?

Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?

Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.

Ready to Ruminate,

Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian

C3 Teaching and Learning Center

C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week (I lost count)!

Welcome back to the last 8 weeks of the semester. I hope your Spring Break was everything you wanted it to be!

These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

C321 Newsletter

(3) Resources

  1. If you missed the Educator Burn Out workshop, you can watch the recording. In addition, this Thursday from 11:30am-12:30pm, the MiraCosta Wellness Committee is hosting a workshop: Mental Health Strategies for Teaching Professions. You can join via Zoom. And, if that’s not enough… The Library’s newest in person and online exhibit is all about mental health: It’s OK to Not be OK.
  2. The Chronicle of Higher Education has been offering an interesting virtual (and free) series this semester: Talking about Teaching. Some of these sessions have already taken place, but the recordings are still available. Topics include: The Changing Professor-Student Dynamic, How to Foster Motivation and Engagement in Your Class, The Future of Grading and Assessment. None of this should sound too unfamiliar as we are talking about similar things at MiraCosta, but it never hurts to get a different perspective.
  3. With education paradigms changing, do you wonder what teaching and learning might look like in the future? I always like to start with the user, and in this case, that means learners. Do you know what the Class of 2030 generation has been dubbed? Take a moment to learn about Generation Alpha!

(2) Tips & Tricks

  1. If you’re looking for some creative support to get past the End-of-Spring-Break-Slump, reach out to a peer faculty mentor and/or our instructional designer, Nadia Khan. You’ll walk away with a “spring” in your step.
  2. Have you ever asked yourself how students are interacting with your Canvas course? Chances are, they’re using Canvas’ To Do List. You may have missed Lisa M. Lane’s Spring Challenge, but lucky you, you can still access Taming the To Do List anytime! Psst: More Spring Challenges are coming in April!

(1) Question

  1. What are you excited to learn about before the end of Spring 2022?

Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?

Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.

With Curiosity and Care,

Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian

C3 Teaching and Learning Center

Mid-spring 2022 Online and Open Ed Events and Support

Dear faculty,

I hope your spring is blooming! Lots of great online education professional learning this week and month to provide us with rain and sunshine:

  • We have a new weekly online challenge this week, led by Lisa M. Lane, focused on Taming the [Canvas] To-Do List
  • If you’re looking for some creative support in getting through the mid-semester time and rebuilding instructional momentum, reach out to a peer faculty mentor and/or our instructional designer
  • March 7-11 is the worldwide Open Ed Week – there are dozens of events to choose from! See below, also, for more specific Open Education events and resources from the ASCCC’s OER Initiative.
  • Visit tic.miracosta.edu for reminders about other key online education resources and events, including the new required Online Compliance training for distance education, upcoming webinars put on by some of our online tech providers (including Perusall, Playposit, Respondus, and Turnitin), and much more.

Skip below my signature for the latest detailed newsletter full of resources and professional learning opportunities from the ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative!

– Jim

Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Faculty Director, Online Education
miracosta.edu/online | tic.miracosta.edu

• Discipline Communications – Don’t Miss Out •

The OERI – and ASCCC – use discipline list-servs to share information specific to a given discipline. These one-way disciplines will never overwhelm your inbox and being on your discipline’s list ensures you don’t miss out on any discipline-specific opportunities or events. Sign up for an ASCCC list-serv – or list-servs today. Also consider signing up for the ASCCC OER Initiative list-serv if this message has been forwarded to you.

• OERI Discipline Resources – Archived Webinars and Resource Collections •

The ASCCC OERI Discipline Leads have been busy updating resource lists and making new collections available. Visit our Open Educational Resource by Discipline and Open Educational Resources by TMC pages to access a comprehensive and curated list of resources by discipline or by Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC). If you are using an OER that is not on your discipline’s list, please let us know. In addition to our discipline collections, we have an ever-growing collection of archived webinars that not only offer discipline-specific information but can also expand your knowledge of OER more generally. If you are considering contributing to your local ZTC degree efforts, these resources can help to inform your response.

• OERI Spanish Webinar – March 2022 •

Friday, March 25, 9:00-10:00am
What’s new in Spanish OER?

Are you interested in learning what’s new in Spanish OER? What about using H5P activities as formative assignments? Come and learn what OER faculty are using in their classrooms.  We will also discuss what else is needed in our discipline (specific resources, what classes lack quality OER, etc.) and any other issues or questions that come up along the way.

Register for What’s new in Spanish OER?

• OERI Events – March Weekly Webinars – Back to the Basics •

In the spring 2022 term, our Weekly OER Webinars are on Fridays from 10:30 – 11:30 am. Weekly webinars are archived. The ASCCC OERI will provide automated captioning for all webinars. If you would like to request live human closed-captioning for any of our offerings, please contact us by e-mail at least 10 business days in advance.

Friday, March 11, 10:00-11:00am
Beginner Series: LibreTexts Level I

LibreTexts is a powerful platform for all things OER – publishing, printing, developing, “remixing”, interactive exercises, homework systems, and more. This webinar will introduce you to LibreTexts and its capabilities, providing an overview of the simplest use-case scenario.

Register for Beginner Series: LibreTexts Level I

Friday, March 18, 10:30-11:30am
Beginner Series: Introduction to MyOpenMath

Have you wanted to create a ZTC course, but the need for a homework system has prevented you from doing so? MyOpenMath is a free and openly licensed homework system that California Community College faculty in math, physics, and other disciplines have been populating for their use – and yours. What is MyOpenMath and what resources are available for your adoption? Join us for a basic overview of MyOpenMath to learn more about this valuable resource. 

Register for Beginner Series: MyOpenMath

Friday, March 25, 10:30-11:30am
Beginner Series: Introduction to H5P

Do you teach in a discipline where interactive exercises are a must? H5P is a tool that can allow you to create the interactive exercises you need or to use the interactive resources developed by others. What does H5P have to offer and where can you access H5P? This session, hosted by LibreTexts, will introduce you to the H5P resources available to you within the LibreTexts platform.

Register for Beginner Series: Introduction to H5P

• OpenEd Week LibreTexts Events •

LibreTexts is an open textbook platform enabling faculty to discover, create, and curate instructional materials in many disciplines. We’ve selected events from the LibreTexts OpenEd Week schedule that we think would be of interest to California Community College faculty – and many feature your CCC colleagues. Registration is not required. Access all LibreTexts OpenEd Week events.

March 7, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Co-Authoring OER in LibreTexts

This session will present strategies developed to help authors collaboratively create resources using the LibreTexts platform.

Join Co-Authoring OER in LibreTexts, 11:00 am March 7

March 7, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Leveraging OER to Increase Access to and Engagement with Ancient and Medieval Texts

This presentation discusses how student- and instructor-created and annotated OER editions and translations of ancient and medieval texts can increase the accessibility of and engagement with challenging primary sources. Example units for ancient history and literature, medieval history, and gender and women’s studies will be shared.

Join Leveraging OER to Increase Access to and Engagement with Ancient and Medieval Texts, 12:00 pm March 7

March 7, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Introduction to the LibreVerse

Join LibreTexts Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, as he introduces you to the LibreTexts OER creation and hosting platform. 

Join Introduction to the LibreVerse, 3:00 pm March 7

March 8, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Making the Most of an Open Textbook

We will discuss how to bring your LibreTexts book into your LMS so students encounter textbook materials as needed in connection with assignments. We will also see how to assign and give credit for social annotation of the assigned textbook readings and revise the book in response to student feedback.

Join Making the Most of an Open Textbook, 1:00 pm March 8

March 9, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Mastering ADAPT – The LibreTexts Homework System

Join LibreTexts Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, as he gives you an inside look at LibreTexts open homework system, Adapt. Account creation is strongly recommended before attending the session. Create a free account before attending this session.

Join Mastering ADAPT – The LibreTexts Homework System, 3:00 pm March 9

March 10, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
LibreTexts Accessibility Updates

Join LibreTexts accessibility team as they discuss their latest efforts to make the LibreTexts more accessible to users.

Join LibreTexts Accessibility Updates, 9:00 am March 10

March 10, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Using LibreTexts to Create Interactive OER Content for Your Courses

See how to take OER textbooks and customize them to include multimedia and interactivity using LibreTexts. The remixed versions of the OpenStax calculus and statistics books will be shown, but the remixing can be accomplished with any OER textbook.

Join Using LibreTexts to Create Interactive OER Content for Your Courses, 1:00 pm March 10

March 11, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
H5P in LibreStudio: Building Interactive Content for your Textbook

Join LibreTexts Senior Product Manager, Yasin Dahi, in conversation with faculty who are using LibreTexts LibreStudio software to generate H5P exercises for their courses. 

Join H5P in LibreStudio: Building Interactive Content for your Textbook, 11:00 am March 11

Let’s Connect: C3 introduces Podcast Club

Podcast Club. Discuss your favorite podcasts with your (soon-to-be) favorite colleagues.  Listening is optional. Discussing is fun!

Connect with your colleagues in this fun new way – Podcast Club! We’ll take our favorite podcasts, listen to them in our own time, and then come together collectively to discuss.

When: Discuss on March 3rd at 3pm

Where: Zoom

What: This American Life: Three Miles
Description: There’s a program that brings together kids from two schools. One school is public and in the country’s poorest congressional district. The other is private and costs $43,000/year. They are three miles apart. The hope is that kids connect, but some of the public school kids just can’t get over the divide. We hear what happens when you get to see the other side.

Listening is optional. There are many ways this podcast connects with our diverse student body and what we do as teachers to facilitate their learning and growth.

Can’t make it, but want to suggest a podcast? Add to the Google Doc

Want to suggest another day or time? Just reply to this email with your availability.

Faculty Support for In-Person Instruction

Hello Faculty,

After almost two long years, many of us will be returning to campus in some capacity starting the week of February 22nd. There are some fantastic resources available in this email to help faculty prepare for in-person instruction for next week. In addition, PDP + C3 are working together to provide:

  • Drop-In Zoom support for Faculty who are returning to campus
  • In-person tours and C3 meet ups

Resources for Returning to Campus

Start here to learn about returning to campus.

  • Teaching in Person: Lessons from Fall 2021 – Watch the Zoom Recording
    Taya Lazootin, Lynne Miller, Jim Sullivan, curry mitchell, dara, Robert Perry provide helpful classroom tips.
  • Return to Campus Instruction – Information for Faculty – Watch the Zoom Recording (start around 15 min mark)
    Jonathan Fohrman, Nick Mortaloni, Al Taccone, Wendy Stewart, Freddy Ramirez provide procedural information about returning to campus.
  • Return to Campus website for Employees

Faculty Support Drop-In over Zoom

First time on campus? Or, even your first time on campus in two years?

C3 Meet Up

Did you know the C3 Teaching + Learning Center is available 24/7 to all faculty?
In addition, you can stop by the C3 space February 22nd, 23rd, or 24th anytime between 11am-1pm. Lauren will be there with snacks and a masked smile 😊 I hope you’ll stop by and get a chance to connect with other faculty in person, even for a moment.

Wishing you a great return to campus!

Lauren McFall, Denise Stephenson, Lynne Miller, and dara

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