C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week 11!
Did you miss the last meet up of the Podcast Club? Join us next week (Thursday, April 21st at 3pm) via Zoom as we discuss the Worst.Year.Ever. Spoiler: It’s not 2020, 2021, or 2022.
These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

(3) Resources
- Check out California Humanities’ Best Practices for Increasing Accessibility webinar to help make public humanities programs more accessible to people of all abilities. It’s today at 4pm!
- California Virtual Campus (CVC) has some interesting workshops on their Events Calendar – some are geared specifically toward Math and English teaching. And, if you missed out on any of the events they hosted, they have an archive on their YouTube channel.
- Are you thinking or wondering about trends in higher education? Educause has a “7 Things You Should Know About…” series that gives a nice overview about topics such as: HyFlex Classrooms, Digital Divide, Virtual Labs.
(2) Tips & Tricks
- Did you know you can set up Canvas to automatically reach out to students who haven’t completed assignments yet? Learn how to “Message students who…”
- We all make mistakes – and that is true even in Canvas. Good news! You can Undelete in Canvas, and you can also view and select older edits of a page using View Page History.
(1) Question
- What are you excited to learn about before the end of Spring 2022?
Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?
Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.
Ready to Ruminate,
Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian