C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week 5!
I hope that your return to in-person instruction is bringing you and your students joy! If you need a little pick me up, the C3 Teaching + Learning Center in OC 1252 is open 24/7 for your convenience and has a fully stocked coffee bar. I’ll be there today with some of our fantastic colleagues from 11am-1pm.
These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

(3) Resources
- Save the Date for March 9th at 4pm! The C3 is facilitating a workshop hosted by outside speaker, Jonathan Malesic, about burn out and ways to sustain ourselves as people and teachers through the many changes we’ve experienced over the last couple years. More information will be available soon!
- Spring Challenge: Make small changes to your online classes that lead to a big impact by joining the Spring Weekly Challenges. This week, Angela Beltran-Aguilar is sharing ways to create A Welcoming Canvas Home Page. Join the Zoom drop-in session today: Thursday, February 24: 11am-12pm.
- Do you still have questions about the return to in-person instruction? Please check out the helpful FAQ developed in consultation with faculty and administrators. You can even ask additional questions, too! I also recommend Watching the Teaching in Person: Lessons from Fall 2021 recording from FLEX week.
(2) Tips & Tricks
- Now that we are seeing some of our students in person again, we may be noticing a need for additional support. The Student Support page in Canvas is a great place to direct students. And, it’s worth looking at all of the CARE support available for financial, food, mental health, and technology needs.
- Add the Library to your Canvas course with a few simple steps. You can even request a customized Course Guide made just for your class.
(1) Question
- How are you (and your students) feeling about the return to in-person instruction?
Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?
Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.
With Smiles and Snacks,
Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian