Validate your course links in Canvas

It is important to verify that all links are working throughout a course. The course link validator tool can help make this task easy for faculty designing and teaching courses.

The course link validator tool searches through course content and returns invalid or unresponsive external links in both published and unpublished content.

The link validator also includes deleted links. Deleted links are links that are still in the course, but their linked content has been deleted (such as a course files or pages).

Note: Some links flagged as unresponsive are inaccessible by Canvas servers and will still work for students.

From within a Canvas Course

Open Settings

Canvas Settings

Select Validate Links in Content

Validate Links in Content

For additional directions refer to the Canvas guide: How do I validate links in a course?

How to Copy Individual Items to another Canvas Course or Share them with another Instructor

Canvas’s Direct Share feature allows instructors to share individual course items to their other Canvas courses, and easily share individual course items with other instructors in Canvas. To use this tool you will need to have a course role of Teacher, TA, or Designer in your Canvas course.

Please keep in mind that Direct Share is only for sharing individual items. If you wish to copy an entire course’s content over to a new Canvas course site, it is best to use Canvas’s course import tool to complete the course copy process.

Copying items to other Canvas courses

Follow these step-by-step directions:

Sending items to other Canvas instructors

Follow these step-by-step directions:

You can manage items that have been shared with you from within your Canvas account.

Student Support Guide Module from Canvas Commons

The MiraCosta College Student Support Guide Module is available from the Canvas Commons.

This module has relevant student resources and links that would be appropriate to go within the first week course content within a Canvas course.

Go to the Commons in Canvas and search “Student Support Guide” and you will be able to access it. 


Student Support Guide

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