C3-2-1 Newsletter – Spring 2022 Week 3!
Happy Black History Month! Happy Lunar New Year!
These newsletters are intentionally short, but I welcome deep conversations and thinking. For this reason, I will be offering Drop In Zooms as one of many opportunities to connect more with one another (and maybe even to cultivate our teaching practices). Stop by on Tuesday: 9am, Wednesday: 11am, Thursday: 2pm.
These weekly newsletters feature 3 resources related to teaching and learning, 2 online tips and tricks, and 1 question for reflection.

(3) Resources
- Black History Month is here: It’s an important opportunity to further reflect upon systemic racism against Black folk. And, it’s also a wonderful time to continue to celebrate Black lives, resilience, and excellence. Check out the fantastic Black History Month events offered this February, and keep the conversation going all year long:
- MiraCosta College’s Black History Month series (Black History Month flyer attached)
- Black Community Ally Training
- The Hill We Climb On the Pulse of Morning exhibit (virtual and in person at the Library) with poetry readings by the MiraCosta College campus community
- Library’s Black History Month virtual exhibit
- Spring Challenge: Make small changes to your online classes that lead to a big impact by joining the Spring Weekly Challenges. Each challenge is designed to be about 1-3 hours of work, and you are welcome to participate in one or as many of the challenges as you like. The first challenge opens today, so please join Nadia Khan in the Make it Clear Challenge.
- Is the Zoom Black Box getting you down? Visit the Online Education Faculty Learn to Teach with Zoom page. You’ll find amazing resources, such as 8 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Zoom Teaching! And, you can watch past Zoom recordings of MiraCosta Faculty sharing how they use Zoom to connect and teach.
(2) Tips & Tricks
- This is worth repeating! Nadia Khan is hosting the Make it Clear Challenge starting today. Learn to organize modules with a user-friendly structure and incorporate content into manageable chunks. You can also join a Zoom Session with Nadia to get additional support (or even to learn more about these challenges)! Monday: 11:30am-1:30pm, Tuesday: 11:00am-1:00pm, Thursday: 12:30pm-2:30pm.
- Automatically Publish Zoom recordings to Canvas Studio, and save yourself tons of time in the long run this semester.
(1) Question
- What values are you (intentionally or unintentionally) celebrating in your classes?
Looking for archived resources, tips/tricks, and questions?
Revisit the past editions of the C3-2-1 Newsletter.
Want to share?
If you have some resources, tips/tricks, and questions to share, please contribute to the newsletter using this C3-2-1 Form.
Commemorating and Celebrating,
Lauren McFall
Interim Joyful Teacher in Residence/
Coordinator of the C3 Teaching and Learning Center
Web Services + Emerging Technology Librarian