Accessible Houses Make for Better Homes – How Structure and Pedagogy Work Together – A SAFE Topics Podcast
The S.A.F.E. Topics Podcast team is back at it with our latest episode continuing the series on Universal Design for Learning (UDL)! Our hosts Sean and curry are joined by Catherine Walker (Computer Science) and Liesl Madrona (CE Instructional Designer) in a conversation on “Accessible Houses Make for Better Homes – How Structure and Pedagogy Work Together.”
Ways to Listen!
More ways to listen coming soon!
What to Listen For
Accessible Houses Make for Better Homes – How Structure and Pedagogy Work Together
Listening points:
- Who is the target audience when we talk about UDL?
- Design takes time – be patient with the process.
- Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), a different approach.
- Example of our host Sean and accessibility.
- Having the user in mind when designing and striving for accessibility.
- What is accessibility?
- We are all website designers now.
- The importance of having alternate modes of content.
- *New: Audio description; students like to listen to on-screen actions.
- Being intentional about our designs to promote student interaction and collaboration.
- The need for people with different experiences and backgrounds.
- How refining our classes can be scary.
- Creating “water cooler” spaces for equity.
- There is mindfulness and tension in equity and UDL.
Resources from the Show:
What is POGIL?
Public Canvas Accessibility Self-Paced Course
Idea for water cooler space: Gathertown (mentioned off air)
The S.A.F.E. Topics Team
curry mitchell – Faculty, Letters (Co-host)
Sean Davis – Faculty, Sociology (Co-host)
Kelly Barnett – Intern and Music Technology Student (Audio Editor)
James Garcia – Associate Faculty, Sociology (Show Notes, Online)
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Stay great,
S.A.F.E. Topics Podcast Team